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CapTech Home Page

News September 20, 2015

CapTech Sponsors 360iDev 2015


CapTech is proud to sponsor the leading indie iOS/Mac Developer conference in the World. Four days, nearly 50 sessions, over 40 speakers, all community.

When: August 16-19
Where:Sheraton Denver Downtown | 1550 Court Place. Denver, CO

register for 360idev

Don't miss CapTech's own, Jack Cox!

300: Solving Auto Layout Problems

'Auto layout is hard. It requires developers to think different about structuring and manipulating views. If the developer doesn't express themselves 100% correctly the results can be messy. And auto layout doesn't help with it's obtuse error message and verbose messages. This talk will cover some uses of auto layout that bedevil developers like: using auto layout in scroll views, self sizing tables and collections, and debugging conflicts.'

jack cox

Jack Cox is an industry leading software developer & systems architect who is responsible for our mobile software practice. He's been involved in several startups, holds multiple patents and frequently presents to professional groups.