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Does Your Website Meet Accessibility Standards?

Do you need to craft a plan to achieve compliance with Colorado House Bill HB21-1110 ensuring your digital communications are accessible? Our Accessibility experts are offering an introductory review of your website and initial recommendations for the next steps in your WCAG conformance and inclusive design journey.

During this meeting, we'll talk through any key areas of concerns we find on your website, what options you may have for addressing them, and how to prioritize your efforts through a digital accessibility plan. Our team will help make accessibility remediation and compliance easy to understand and actionable.

 CapTech believes in investing our expertise to help organizations make the digital world a better place. We want to provide value in each meeting, so our available meeting slots are limited. Please reach out so that we can help your organization take the next step toward an inclusive web experience.

Our Team Can Help. Request an Introductory Website Review.

Register Here

This is not a full accessibility audit. Our accessibility analysts will review up to five website pages. The tools and testing methods used will be selected by CapTech. We will provide general observations and recommendations for informational purposes only. We will not deliver a detailed issue log, specific remediation notes, or other documentation necessary to effectively complete remediation and achieve conformance with accessibility standards.

Making Accessibility ‘Business As Usual'

​In April 2024, we presented a webinar through the Colorado Statewide Internet Portal Authority (SIPA), “Making Accessibility ‘Business As Usual,’” with recommended steps that organizations can take to work towards compliance with accessibility standards. 

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