VHJI’s new mobile app now links judges to programs that address issues like drug abuse, mental health issues, and poverty. The app offers alternatives to incarceration and answers program questions like availability, requirements, and costs that can be referenced in the midst of sentencing so that a judge can make recommendations and decisions based on the needs of the accused.
“The magic of this app is that it allows a non-social-work layperson to spot a need and go directly from need to social service in a way that a social worker would be able to do,” said Barbour. ”The app is taking this hidden information and putting it in the hands of a practitioner who cares.”
The new, user-friendly app includes information on 327 programs in and around Richmond, divided into more than a dozen categories, such as food instability, medical health, transportation, and employment. Each program listing includes details on intake procedures, eligibility restrictions, procedures for sharing progress with the court, and other information that typically is not published publicly.
With CapTech’s help and a robust, user-friendly mobile app, VJHI is now on the path to reaching its goal: getting RVA Justice Hub on every criminal justice practitioner’s device in the Richmond metropolitan area.