Sparking Innovation Challenges That Can Impact Employee Morale and Your Bottom Line
In this episode, our CTO Vinnie Schoenfelder speaks with Jack Cox, Ryan Tarrant, and Brian Bischoff about how innovation challenges are great for employee morale and skills development. And if the focus is on true intellectual curiosity, the potential can extend beyond internal benefits. We’ve seen the solutions from our innovation challenges translate into new solutions that help our clients solve business challenges – and impact our bottom line.
Learn more about fostering a culture of innovation through innovation challenges, including:
How to emphasize innovation and intellectual curiosity.
The importance of recognizing the people that participate.
The value of keeping innovation challenges broad and open.
Brian leads our business strategy for our practice areas and is a thought leader in digital strategy. He provides an objective perspective through the strategic analysis of current technology trends and designs and builds great experiences for our clients.
Ryan Tarrant
Senior Manager
Ryan's experience spans over a variety of roles including software engineer/developer, analyst, tester, and software developer manager. He has been tasked with growing the thought leadership within CapTech's services and API offerings.