The franchise disclosure and application submission process, as well as the processing and decision-making procedures at a Top 5 Global Hotel Chain featured hundreds of manual steps for both external and internal users.
FDDs had to be manually updated and signed by applicants each year to align to legal and compliance requirements, and application packets were typically mailed in and required numerous follow ups with applicants to obtain missing or incomplete information. The internal review team utilized handwritten notes and checklists in the application review process, leading to delays in approval time.
The internal review and approval processes were manually managed through emails and spreadsheets, which relied on time-consuming administrative tasks and reminders with little to no visibility across teams. This prolonged process caused some potential franchisees to seek opportunities with competitors who had more user-friendly disclosure and application systems in place.
The hotel chain had made an investment in Salesforce and wanted to leverage automation capabilities to improve the franchise disclosure and application process. CapTech helped create a customized “Franchise 360” model that would improve customer experience with a self-service portal, automate the disclosure, application, and approval process, and support users from the application phase, through approval, and beyond.