May 13, 2024Alley Advocates: 'Lord of the Pins' Racks Up Funds to Support Big Brothers Big Sisters
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In March 2024, CapTech’s charity bowling team, Lord of the Pins, participated in Richmond’s annual Big Brother Big Sisters’ Bowl for Kids’ Sake (BFKS) event. Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) facilitates one-to-one mentorship between adult volunteers and children, and BFKS is their “largest and longest-running annual fundraiser.”
CapTech has participated in BFKS since 2017, and for the second year running, CapTecher Daniel Nichols led the charge of organizing CapTech’s team. BBBS’ mission speaks to Daniel, who sees the leadership opportunity as a meaningful way to serve and contribute to their cause.
This year’s BFKS event raised a total of $83,118, and Lord of the Pins proudly raised $2,323 of that amount, making them the sixth highest fundraising team overall!
Thank you to everyone who supported BBBS and furthered CapTech Care’s Impact Area, Empowering Youth.